LightWave has a fractal noise shader, but nothing it can do compares to Fractalizer! Unlike LightWave's internal fractal noise, Fractalizer is not limited to two color channels, and the noise quality is superior. With its five-color spectrum and opacity settings, Fractalizer allows you to create beautifully noisy surfaces!
Imagine a beautiful sunset, a rusty door-hinge, plasma, a leaf's variegated surface, volumetric fog, fire, and more, all created with a few mouse clicks! The preview bar allows you to see the changes you make right away.
Apply the fractal texture to the surface's Color, Luminosity, Diffuse, Specular, Transparency, and Mirror channels, and adjust the opacity to make objects disappear or fade away! Set your surfaces in motion with fractal morphing, changing your setting over time through the use of keyframes.